
Pond Hockey

3 on 3 hockey offered in both recreational and competitive divisions. League play begins the week of December 4th and ends in mid-February, with a playoff bracket determining the league champions.


Ice Hockey


3 VS 3


Charlotte, NC

Registration - Sold Out

Recreational Division $135 / person

Mondays & Wednesdays
Teams of 5-10 players

$135 / person
Competitive Division $135 / person

Tuesdays & Thursdays
Teams of 5-10 players

$135 / person
  • Pond Hockey 2023 - Sean Richard

Adult Hockey League

The Recreational Division will play on Mondays or Wednesdays. The Competitive Division will play on Tuesday or Thursdays. Teams can be scheduled on any day during the playoffs.

Regular Season
Dec. 2nd-5th 6:15pm - 10:00pm
6:15pm - 10:00pm
Dec. 9th-12th 6:15pm - 10:00pm
6:15pm - 10:00pm
Dec. 16th-19th 6:15pm - 10:00pm
6:15pm - 10:00pm
Jan. 6th-9th 6:15pm - 10:00pm
6:15pm - 10:00pm
Jan. 13th-16th 6:15pm - 10:00pm
6:15pm - 10:00pm
Jan 20th-23rd 6:15pm - 10:00pm
6:15pm - 10:00pm
Jan. 27th-30th 6:15pm - 10:00pm
6:15pm - 10:00pm
Feb. 3rd-6th 6:15pm - 10:00pm
6:15pm - 10:00pm
  • Pond Hockey 2023 - Sean Richard


Recreational Division - Mondays & Wednesdays
6:15pm Game 1
Game 1
7:15pm Game 2
Game 2
8:15pm Game 3
Game 3
9:15pm Game 4
Game 4
Competitive Division - Tuesdays & Thursdays
6:15pm Game 1
Game 1
7:15pm Game 2
Game 2
8:15pm Game 3
Game 3
9:15pm Game 4
Game 4
10:00pm Game Concludes
Game Concludes
Competitive Playoff Bracket View
Recreational Playoff Bracket View
  • Ice Skating - December 2022

Additional Information

    • Registration closes November 20th for free agents and November 28th for teams.
    • Players must be 18 years or older to participate
    • Each team is required to roster 5-10 players.
    • Players can only be registered with one team during a season.
    • If a game is cancelled due to weather, the league will reschedule the game for another day that week.
    • If the makeup game is cancelled, it will not be rescheduled again.
    • Rosters are final at 8:00 a.m. the day before the first game of the season.
    • All players must wear standard hockey helmets with a chin strap, hockey gloves and hockey skates
    • Other protective equipment is optional
    • Helmets must have HECC sticker that is not expired
    • Goalies are not permitted. Goalie equipment or goalie sticks are not permitted.
    • Rental skates will be available for a $5 fee per game.
    • Players can check in at the River Center starting 30 minutes before their scheduled gametime. Players must be at the hockey rink at least 10 minutes before game start.
    • Teams are required to have at least 3 players from their roster present at the start of the game. If a team is unable to field at least 3 players, the game will be ruled a forfeit, and a 3-0 game score will be assigned.
    • The away team will begin with possession in the first half, the home team will begin with possession in the second half. Teams will switch sides after the first half.
    • Games will be composed of two 20-minute halves with a 3-minute halftime. Games will utilize a running clock. There is no stoppage of time after a goal is scored or after a penalty is awarded unless it is within the final minute of the second half.
    • Each team will have one 60-second timeout per half.
    • All games are running-time and substitutions can be made during play (“on-the-fly”) or during a stoppage in play.
    • Each team is responsible for ensuring they do not have more than 3 players on the ice at one time.
    • Games are played 3v3 with no goalies
    • There are no off-sides or icing calls.
    • Goals can be scored from any area of the rink.
    • Saucer passes cannot be higher than knee height
    • Goaltending is not allowed. A player may not “camp out” or remain stationary in the crease area and act as a goaltender, unless actively defending an offensive player. Goaltending will be called if a player is stationary in the crease for more than 3 seconds.
      • The crease area is defined as an imaginary box extending four feet from the outside corners of the goal. Officials may award a goal if they believe goaltending prevented an imminent goal.
    • Players cannot fall or lay on the ice to protect the goal or make a play on the puck. Such actions will be considered a penalty.
    • Teams must give their opponents half ice after a goal is scored or any time the puck is reset.
    • Setting picks is not allowed.
    • In the event of a forfeit during non-playoff play, the team who did not forfeit will receive a win and the score will be assigned 3-0 for tiebreaker purposes.
    • Playoffs will be Jan. 27-Feb. 6th. Playoffs will utilize a single elimination, tournament-style bracket where each team is guaranteed to play one game. For seeding, if two teams have the same record, then the tie breaker will be their point differential on the season.
    • Any situation that arises that is not specifically stated in the Whitewater Pond Hockey rulebook will follow USA Hockey rules.
    • There will be no overtime for regular season games. In the event of a tie during playoff or championship games, play will move to a 3-minute period of sudden death. First possession will be decided by a puck flip.
    • If no goal is scored in the overtime period, the game will move to a shootout. Players will rotate taking penalty shots. A player may not take their second penalty shot until all other players on their team have taken a shot. As soon as one team makes their penalty shot and the other does not, the game ends. If both teams miss, or if both teams make the shot, rounds continue until the game is over.
  • The following describes what penalties may be awarded for each infraction. Any other infraction not listed will be awarded a penalty at the discretion of the Official.

    • Minor Penalty
      • Goaltending
      • More than 3 players on the ice
      • Lifting (elevating the puck to above knee height)
      • Accidental contact with another player
    • Major Penalty
      • Unnecessary Roughness/Contact
      • Slapshots
      • Verbal abuse towards opposing players, officials, or guests.
      • Actions that could result in injury to yourself or another player.
    • Minor penalties will result in change/loss of possession. After 3 minor penalties are committed by a team, an additional penalty shot is assessed for each subsequent minor penalty.
    • Major penalties will result in a change/loss of possession, penalty shot, and ejection from game.
    • Officials may use their own discretion when calling minor or major penalties. A major penalty can be called for any action that is deemed flagrant, intentional or dangerous. A player who receives a major penalty will be ejected for the remainder of that game and must meet with league management before being reinstated.
    • League schedule coming soon!


Athlete Merch

Participants can add-on a Whitewater hockey hoodie to their league registration for $50.

  • Pond-Hockey-Hoodie-scaled


Awards will be given to the winners of the recreational and competitive division.

  • Ice Skating - December 2022

Upcoming Events


Dog Days of Winter Dog Jog 5K & 1 Mile Walk


Ride and Seek MTB Adventure Race


Color Me Green 5K Run

Pond Hockey 2023 - Sean Richard